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Indie Global 365

Artist Membership Silver Plan Sign-up

Join the Indie Global 365 independent music community

At Indie Global 365 we intend to create a streaming space, platform and community that will assist in elevating some of those hurdles new artists are facing in regards to initial digital streams and radio exposure etc. In doing so Indie Global 365 is dedicated to independent music artist and independent music artist only. Music Genres accepted are Hip-hop, Rhythm and Blues ( RNB), Caribbean (reggae/soca) and Afro Pop.

Personal Details
Size Restrictions: Please make sure the image size is equal to or larger than 150 by 150 pixels and does not exceeds total size of 597152 bytes.
$ 15

Artist Membership Plan

$ 15
One-Time Fee
Membership to Artist directory and community
Network with other Artist & DJ members, make friends, send messages etc.
Featured artist profile: Artist bio and images
Artist links to your music and video platforms. Soundcloud, Youtube, etc.
Add Artist links to your social media platforms
Submit your songs to our online store with an 80/20 split on sales. The artist gets 80% of sales
Free Music Submission. Submitted music to be considered for radio airplay via the Indie global 365 platform. Music Genres accepted are Hip-hop, Rhythm and Blues ( RNB), Caribbean (reggae/soca) and Afro Pop.
Music Review: Our team will listen and review your songs and then notify you by email if your song was approved, and the start date of your inclusion in to the Indie Global 365 radio daily rotation
Artist songs played weekly on our Indie Global 365 radio platform if approved by our team.
Copyrights: You must have the authority or own the copyrights to all content you are submitting.